Gustavo Rol

I've choosed some great thoughts of this famous mystic, thinker and painter, Gustavo Adolfo Rol (20 June 1903 -22 September 1994, Turin - Italy), whatever he done in his life, looked to me he done with such an easiness and sereity I think there could be a lot to learn from.

Being able to see! That's what those who teach should teach! ''Hearing'' is a gift of God, but being able to ''See'' is a matter of method, of habit and of system. Unfortunately when we hear too much, we tend to become disturbed by the reality of what we see, because feelings are an irresistible force, that drag one beyond the limits of reality where even the genius gets lost in the labyrinth of madness.

I take my revenge by forgiving, when I am not forced to punish with silence.

So, with one foot on this side and the other leaning on infinity, I almost feel like a bridge between two ages, with the universe flowing below me like a fluid substance which sweeps away with rage the ridiculous delirium of man in wanting to oppose or subtract himself to the laws that he himself ignores.

I bless life for all it offers, both good and evil: the last gift being death. Only one gift, though may this one be the last since I have too many to enjoy before death... Through happiness I will savour beforehand the drops of the divine nectar reserved for us, that fall into the heart; through misery I will see no more than the near and definitive end to my sufferance. So joy, joy everywhere in this marvellous life and may we praise God for having given this gift to us. Blessed is he who will have lived long enough on earth for he will be the happiest by God's side!

Destiny is the result of our decisions and as such, it is impossible to refute it.

Where man ends, God begins.

Desiring death is the highest sign of selfishness.

I saw you cry and I heard you curse against destiny. You cursed at yourself and you didn't realize you were becoming the victim of your own will. Destiny is something which doesn't exist, it is the son of intolerance but you win over it through resignation. Will lays in your hands this weapon, you need to learn how to use it. The struggle can be long and difficult but the sword with which you fight will not break even against the granite block of impossibility. This unknown force will never cease to protect you as long as you are aware of how to educate your heart to get to know it.

Truth is a virtue that does not tolerate compromises.

Imagination is our most scientific faculty.

I have nothing because I have everything; I have everything because I have nothing!

I discovered a terrible law that links the color green, the musical fifth, and heat. I have lost my will to live. I am frightened by power. I shall write no more!

Don't ever forget these things. Be strong with these things, I have opened for you, a few doors onto infinity. Give to others, pass the message on to your fellowmen! Tell others that they must believe they will survive, that life continues elsewhere, that only if we are unworthy of continuing to live we will return to Earth!


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